Every day at Ivegill Nursery we work hard to ensure that the children receive the best possible experiences we can give them. There is a good balance of child initiated and adult led activities for children to enjoy.
We offer areas of continuous provision, which means that the setting is arranged in certain areas such as creative area, role play, quiet area, sand/water and many more. This enables the children to find the things they need. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible, accessing the resources they need, and then tidying them afterwards. This allows the children to follow their own interests, solve their own problems, and generally build a real good disposition for learning and finding out – essential skills for school, and life generally!
Learning is a messy business at nursery – we make no apologies for this! Please do not send your child in their good clothes, or anything that might impede their enjoyment. They won’t enjoy their time in nursery if they are worried about getting messy. Nursery T-shirts and sweatshirts are available. Please ask for an order form