We believe wholeheartedly in music as a powerful tool for development in Early Years. As well as providing children with a wonderful foundation to enjoy music later in life, by giving them the opportunity to develop the concepts of timing, rhythm, tempo, beat and pitch, it also helps with their language and mathematical development.
Studies have shown that opportunities for children to hear and make music enrich young children’s lives and bring many social and cognitive benefits such as improved concentration, improved self-discipline and greater abstract reasoning.
We were very lucky to have had a musical practitioner from “Soundwave” visiting nursery for a music session once a week in the past. This meant that all staff became confident in music provision so that music is now a very important part of our day. We now also hold a weekly session run by our own music specialist which is open to all, including babies and their carers, and is a very good way for parents and carers to gain confidence in singing with their children. Please contact us for details.